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31-07-2022 10:52
Add mor emaps, admin to server like Alien invasion, mesa map is too overplayed, max 20, 30 min, then no mesa map for 2,3 rounds

31-07-2022 10:51
Mesa map is TOO OVERPLAYED, stop playing MESA MAP

13-10-2021 22:19
Hi everyone, how are you people? I hope that we will play Crysis again soon Smile

08-02-2020 15:52
Hi and welcome back Albert. Yeah, Some people are still here from time to time. In this very moment not many. But will be at lest few soon.

08-02-2020 00:26
Greetings! Anyone still here?

09-03-2018 02:29
My Tutorial CZ/SK How to connect server (: https://www.youtub

07-03-2018 22:43
Of course. This the point of our network. Anybody can create own server even with custom maps + anybody will be able to join it. Check http://CryMP.Net - HELP Page.

07-03-2018 21:04
is it a possibility to create your own server?

07-03-2018 21:03
nice tnx

07-03-2018 19:15
Hi. Yes. It was on-line for years - and will be back soon - but you shouldn't work so good for all. You can try now Shore on Air Battle - no crazy commands!

07-03-2018 18:44
Hello I wanted to ask you or you could not create a normal server Map, MESA BEACH because these servers where these awkward commands can not be played is not true crysis.

02-03-2018 21:27
Crysis1 the best

08-01-2018 22:34

08-01-2018 16:37

08-12-2017 14:09
yap , it was fine on win7 64 bit , i see this issue only on win8.1 ,and thanks for taking care of crysis you and your teammates

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Welcome to Crysis 1 Multiplayer Fans Portal (2014 - 2020)

    This website is being created by fans, for fans to keep our multiplayer community alive and show others all great things about Crysis 1 MP in it's basic version.

    Crysis 1 as a first person shooter with all the physics, graphics, details, characters, vehicles, animations, effects and glitches after 12 years can still be called the one of the most universal multiplayer games.

    It gives us opportunity to raise our skills and reflex, learn different kinds of moving abilities and helps to realax by making some of our dreams come true. Very advanced map editor with it's tools to build our own worlds and free the creativity - streatching it to the limits of imagination. All that makes Crysis 1 the game that is worth buying, playing, mapping and modding.

    Just please join and play with others. Together we won't ever let this great game die.

Latest Active Forum Threads
  Thread Views Replies Last Post
Website refreshed a bit
New MP maps or MP mods announced
6831 2 Freebo
12-09-2019 08:14
Regular, Crazy, Fun Event
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8140 7 Freebo
10-09-2019 08:39
Multiplayer IA Event 2018
New MP maps or MP mods announced
6495 0 Freebo
10-09-2019 08:37
SSM CryFire
Server side mods for C1
11205 2 youda008
04-03-2018 20:01
2015 JetPack is back
New MP maps or MP mods announced
7109 1 Freebo
31-10-2017 22:52
CryFire information
Own dedicated servers
10032 12 misterSD
29-04-2017 17:48
Crysis MultiPlayer 64-bits ...
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
16756 12 Comrade
08-02-2017 16:12
Any questions ? Just ask
Wall Jumping, Circle Jumping / Flying
9547 6 Freebo
21-10-2016 23:12
Network's 2nd Birthday
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8961 1 CephFighter
22-09-2016 15:15
Have you ever seen a player...
Fighting, Aiming, Shooting, Guns, Explosives
18659 26 obalys
12-09-2016 18:48
MESA Nostalgia Project
New MP maps or MP mods announced
9956 1 Freebo
12-07-2016 09:52
help with auto download
Own dedicated servers
10637 3 Freebo
12-07-2016 09:01
Parkour City BETA is ON
New MP maps or MP mods announced
10698 5 Freebo
30-06-2016 23:21
Multiplayer Issue
Comments and ideas for this Portal
8085 1 Freebo
19-06-2016 01:36
Crysis SP even not working
Installation and patching
11093 5 megalolpronoob
05-06-2016 12:20
GermanCrysis Servers
Own dedicated servers
8419 1 Freebo
03-05-2016 23:09
server shows up in console ...
Own dedicated servers
8298 2 xDDguesswho
02-03-2016 23:48
Merry X-mas & Happy New Year
Playing Crysis MP - after GameSpy's death
8469 0 Freebo
24-12-2015 00:58
Paradise Atoll ON
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8232 1 Freebo
07-12-2015 00:35
Coast, Treehouse, Graveyard...
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8752 3 Freebo
24-11-2015 16:17
Universal Connector / Client
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
9208 6 Freebo
29-10-2015 15:32
JET PACK Mod Proto- type
New MP maps or MP mods announced
7827 0 Freebo
30-09-2015 22:13
Realistic / BF3 Mode
New MP maps or MP mods announced
15884 14 Freebo
19-09-2015 20:06
Surfing - Physics - SMO
New MP maps or MP mods announced
7797 0 Freebo
17-09-2015 12:20
High FPS & CLOAK - two new ...
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8005 1 Freebo
16-09-2015 14:43
Additional Plugins for SSM ...
Server side mods for C1
7305 1 megalolpronoob
15-09-2015 15:52
SSM SafeWriting
Server side mods for C1
7752 0 Zivy
14-09-2015 20:00
SSM Patriot
Server side mods for C1
8368 0 youda008
14-09-2015 19:19
Server side mods for C1
7303 0 youda008
14-09-2015 18:50
SSM AegisX
Server side mods for C1
7674 0 youda008
14-09-2015 18:42
SSM Aegis
Server side mods for C1
7535 0 youda008
14-09-2015 18:08
Friday Events Started
Playing Crysis MP - after GameSpy's death
8293 2 Freebo
12-09-2015 21:31
Wreckage Balls Map
New MP maps or MP mods announced
7368 2 Freebo
05-09-2015 23:13
Birthday of CryMP.Net
Playing Crysis MP - after GameSpy's death
7813 1 SNIPER
18-07-2015 20:35
MP Events Compilation 2015
Playing Crysis MP - after GameSpy's death
8148 1 SNIPER
04-05-2015 10:20
Crysis Net Code & Lag
Fighting, Aiming, Shooting, Guns, Explosives
9397 5 Freebo
15-02-2015 16:26
Server Side IA again.
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8284 0 Freebo
01-02-2015 14:25
Sewage Swamps BETA
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8307 1 Freebo
30-12-2014 06:28
Necropolis - BETA On-Line
New MP maps or MP mods announced
9245 2 Freebo
17-12-2014 12:21
Predator/Hunter mode - Tested
New MP maps or MP mods announced
13131 1 alpha_dz
03-12-2014 18:39
Crysis for 2,49 € on Origin
Playing Crysis MP - after GameSpy's death
8085 0 Freebo
28-11-2014 13:57
Crysis keeps crashing mid-game
Installation and patching
11185 9 Zivy
27-11-2014 07:09
Gate Road Beta - tested alr...
New MP maps or MP mods announced
7869 1 megalolpronoob
20-10-2014 13:00
New Masterserver + SSM + Cl...
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
8142 0 Freebo
19-10-2014 03:01
Skill Yard - in new version
New MP maps or MP mods announced
7805 1 Frankie
09-10-2014 20:08
SafeWriting 2.7.1 and Clien...
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
7779 0 Freebo
17-09-2014 02:28
Steel Mill Frost - as FPS K...
New MP maps or MP mods announced
8534 0 Freebo
11-09-2014 19:34
In-game Client v7 - few req...
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
13276 8 Zivy
29-08-2014 13:44
v7 client Beta requests (ar...
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
7359 0 Freebo
18-08-2014 17:48
Separated server's list for...
Requests for new patches and Crysis MP developmen
8055 2 Freebo
31-07-2014 14:24
19 of October 2014 - New Masterserver
Multiplayer NewsToday (saturday/sunday) finally Crysis 1 network was compleatly (before it was only a little bit there) moved to www.CryMP.Net - Crysis Multiplayer Network. With new layout and dasign, new comfortable functions and simple to use website.

Also new version of SafeWriting SSM and Client side mod were released.

All looks and works fine but will be tested during next days to remove any bugs. I'm sure this time all will be very friendly and easy for players.
26 of August 2014 - MP Client v7.1 is ready
Multiplayer NewsFinally new version of Multiplayer Client - v7.1 is ready to download. I was trying to suggest all things that could make this client more friendly for all users. Zi was able to make all requested changes in very short time.

Version that we have now - with in-game servers list (console version) not required registration to play - and great looking maps autodowloader can be considered amazing solution for Crysis 1 MP.

Joining by websites servers list is also possible as before. New thing is that also on this portal all servers are listed with pictures of maps that I've requested for more friendly view.
16th of July 2014 - GemeSpy is DEAD for good - Here's How To Play Crysis MP from now.
Multiplayer News    It's about 7 PM Central European Time and looks like GameSpy stopped working. No-one can login. Crysis as we knew it - won't exist anymore. It looks that last 16 days that we had with old kind of Crysis were just extra days to say goodbye to old, basic Crysis.
    From now will have to use patches to play on servers. Soon tutorials and downloads also on this portal.

    So far both great solutions are working, Zi's network solution is confirmed and has been tested in 2 hours before my own eyes - right after GameSpy's disconnection.
    Also patch from german community is ready to download and testing. We hope all will work like that for next years and we will have a choice which version we want to play. Unless old Crysis MP will be back again someday.
    PS. Remember that you can use more than one version of your Crysis on one PC. You can still use your DVD, original version with Zi's solution, even if you want to patch it with finall patch of german community.

Check here - HOW TO PLAY Crysis Multiplayer
1st of July 2014 - GameSpy's still alive - yet
Multiplayer NewsIt's 1st of July but GameSpy is still alive
- It's almost 5 o'clock in the evening - and 10 in the morning in US. So maybe admins are still sleeping and forgot to turn the servers off. Maybe they will forget for next 20 years. I'm sure nobody would hate them for this kind of mistake :) Let's just wait and see...

UPDATE 1: Well - it's 3rd of July and masterserver is still working. Nobody knows why. No info about that. Maybe it will stay this way till the end of the century. What do you think ?

UPDATE 2: It's 12th of July and GameSpy still works. No info what's going on from EA or GLU. Nobody knows for sure. Isn't that strange? Anway - would be nice to hear that Crysis MP can work for next years the way it has before. Let's hope it's possible - if not - we still have our patching solutions. Just have fun. We will see.
29th of June 2014 - 2 days left - How to use many Patches
Multiplayer NewsIn 2 days we will have different Crysis multiplayer. We still are not sure if both solutions (GC's and Zi's) will work 100% fine after 30th of June. I guess we will find out very soon. You will find info here next week.

For now I can recommend this tutorial that can be useful soon after GameSpy's final death.

How to use DIFFERENT, PATCHED VERSIONS of your original CRYSIS on ONE PC:
23rd of June 2014 - 7 days left - BOTH Patches are ready
Multiplayer NewsSo finally 7 days left till the end of GameSpy - but what we know for sure is that we will have 2 solutions. We will have 2 new, custom solutions to play Crysis in the future.

One comes from german community and works with version 1.2.1 (6156) only, other one comes from Zi; and was created for version 1.0 (5767) and 1.2.1 (6156). In 7 days we will choose the one that works better for us. Which version of Crysis and which solution.

I'm sure that I'm going to use both versions for my servers 1.2.1 because it works with in-game servers list (as before) and 1.0 because it's the best version I know for flyers :) Let's just hope community will be informed and not so many players will be lost !