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31-07-2022 10:52
Add mor emaps, admin to server like Alien invasion, mesa map is too overplayed, max 20, 30 min, then no mesa map for 2,3 rounds

31-07-2022 10:51
Mesa map is TOO OVERPLAYED, stop playing MESA MAP

13-10-2021 22:19
Hi everyone, how are you people? I hope that we will play Crysis again soon Smile

08-02-2020 15:52
Hi and welcome back Albert. Yeah, Some people are still here from time to time. In this very moment not many. But will be at lest few soon.

08-02-2020 00:26
Greetings! Anyone still here?

09-03-2018 02:29
My Tutorial CZ/SK How to connect server (: https://www.youtub

07-03-2018 22:43
Of course. This the point of our network. Anybody can create own server even with custom maps + anybody will be able to join it. Check http://CryMP.Net - HELP Page.

07-03-2018 21:04
is it a possibility to create your own server?

07-03-2018 21:03
nice tnx

07-03-2018 19:15
Hi. Yes. It was on-line for years - and will be back soon - but you shouldn't work so good for all. You can try now Shore on Air Battle - no crazy commands!

07-03-2018 18:44
Hello I wanted to ask you or you could not create a normal server Map, MESA BEACH because these servers where these awkward commands can not be played is not true crysis.

02-03-2018 21:27
Crysis1 the best

08-01-2018 22:34

08-01-2018 16:37

08-12-2017 14:09
yap , it was fine on win7 64 bit , i see this issue only on win8.1 ,and thanks for taking care of crysis you and your teammates

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In-game Client v7 - few requests

Amazing job on official Client v7 - with fixed in-game controls. Thanks for hearing my small requests there over last beta. It's almost perfect now.

Next on "to do" list Smile

(1) Thanks for making possible choosing the server just by it's ID. But I think removing of "join" also from second line of description would be good idea. It should avoid confussion. Less = Easier Wink I think description of joining should be like: "type the numer of server and press enter to join" or something like that. To make it easier for all even without any kind of video tutorials.

(2) Right after choosing the server - the moment while map's "loading screen" shows - should dissapear. I know Client is probably not able to detect the moment when loading screen starts but making console dissaper for example 5 seconds after map is downloaded/server is chosen - should solve the problem. It will look more pro without console over the maps picture.

(3) In next version of client - maps autodoloader (with % progress counter) should work in console only. Now when autodownlader closes Crysis window for a while (depending on maps weight - sometimes even for 1 minute) it's kind of confusing for unexperienced users. As soon as we will have it integrated with console and displayed in it's line - it will be perfect and finall.

(4) I'm not sure about this one because I don't know about controling the console on deafault - but is that possible to make servers list show in console as default ? I mean when you open console by "~" in game - it would show servers list without scrolling up and looking for it. I think that is some idea to make it work fast. If not like that - maybe just some command like "serv", "srv" or "servers" or even "0" (zero) to show the list ( in this case most of players would use only numbers in console "0" would be the list "1", "2"... servers ID - quick and easy) So it would make swiching from server to server even more comfortable. Right now it's already amazing. You don't have to leave the game, go to menu to disconnect and later connect to new server - as we had to before in old Crysis. Now choosing server is possible right in console - just in 2 seconds. This is great job. But would be even better with servers list position as default in console - or at least this special SHORT - one word - command for servers list. I like it a lot.

(5) For more pro look now : - Colors in console should be less intense. If you can control RGB code there (?) GREEN should be more like Crysis menu Green (sampled from the image). If you can't and you can use only deafault colors there (like $5) - so that green should be more like that amber - that one one used for "USE" to make servers list less intense. But RED - for sure should be gray. This is what I'm sure about. Red looks always like worning and here it's function is to show disabled servers from other version not the worning Smile Gray is perfect. List will look more pro after that. And here comes #6...

(6) Like I've been suggesting before - when player enters the ID of server that is from different Crysis version 5767/6156) than the one he is running - he should get RED message in console "you can't enter this server (because) you are using different version / patch of the game" or something like this.
Now it's not right - because client just tries to connect the server without any clear messages for player. Even autodowloader dowloads map but than of course it can't connect. Some player won't understand what's up Smile I remember few players had problems even in old Crysis - they couldn't understand why they can't enter "gray" servers on the list for weeks Smile So I'm sure here some will also try it. It' would be nice to block any kind of action and give this red message about wrong version desplayed in console while trying wrong ID.

Anyway I really love this in-game solution. For me in some ways it's better than old Crysis MP menu. Just few fixes here and small changes and we can make amazing video tutorial to promote it. Now it's not ready for it yet - I think - But not many things left. It's almost done. ...
ZI's FAST ANSWER [ Source: http://forum.tvar...1408397215 ]

18.08.2014 22:13:30

1. Won't be problem
2. Solved
3. Could be possible 50% *think*
4. Solved
5. Solved
6. Solved next version (7.1)...
http://forum.tvar... - why is everyone using this random ugly forum when you took time to create this nice looking crysis1 site?
Zi's website had more users (also on forum) because people were registering to get the client for MP + to log in and play. From now MP Client doesn't need registration anymore to work in the game - I will talk to Zi about those websites soon, moving live servers list also here, etc. Now even mine portal is not ready yet to promote. It's just starter here. I need to fill it with many articles, at least 1000 photos to promote it.

I also would like to have some more pro looking website with client and masterserver registration - to promote everywhere. One website with Crysis 1 MP (not 2 like today). We are working on client now - as soon as Zi manage to make things working in pro way - promotion will start. Websites and tutorials than trailers.

For now work is in progress - both: client and portal - so don't judge it yet. I dream to have client, masterserver, forums, users on one portal/website to avoid confusion. I'm not sure if it will be possible soon. All depends on Zi because it's his code. I will work to make things clear for players. Just give it few more weeks. Forums here will be also more alive you will see that. Now things are a little bit crazy. 2 much things at once during this short summer.

Finall version of Client v 7.1 is ready today with awesome looking maps autodownloader (more friendly look on my request) few changes in console colors and descritpion + very new feature like checking server info by in-game console.

Also entering server from website with servers list it's more friendly because of images of maps that are on-line right now. ...
[quote]Heel wrote:

Ugly?! Dude its one lusciously sexy forum!
Well, compared with whole possible content and looking of this site is ****.
Well, compared with whole possible content and looking of this site is ****.
Let's be optimist, still looks better than or And just like funk says, its lusciously sexy forum! Grin
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